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World Building
It's definitely no small task. World building is one of the most complex and intricate tasks of writing. Don't let it's size bring you down. Just like anything, it can be broken down into basic principles.
Climate and Regions
As far as we know, planets aren't flat. Their spherical shape give them different places that receive different amounts of sunlight, which makes them diverse. Different plants grow, different animals thrive, there are different geological formations, and they have different seasons.
Where does your story take place? In a small village with all 4 seasons and mild weather? In a subarctic town where the summer sunset can occur at midnight? How about a simmering desert where people survive off of cacti and conserving as much water as possible?
The different climates, regions, and time zones are all things to consider when building your world.
Chances are, if you have a civilization, you have people looking up to a religion. If you're writing a sci-fi novel with space explorers and more advanced societies, you may want to skip this part. You might scoff at this and move on, but listen. For centuries people have turned to religion to feel secure and significant.
If you do want to incorporate a sense of religion in your people, think. Is everyone in this world going to believe in the same gods/goddesses or are there going to be different groups of people with different beliefs, like our world today?
Remember, religion can be a major game changer. It can start wars and conflicts. It can give people a sense of hope. It can do so many things, you can decide if it will destroy or heal.
Ethnicity and Languages
Around the world, people are raised differently with different beliefs, ethics, manners, and views. You may look different because of where you were brought up. Norway, for example, the people there are very pale because they have long winters and little sun. Not to mention that isolated places can develop unique languages, like the Hawaii.
Incorporating diversity is an important part of writing a novel that really interests readers. Characters with different backgrounds make the story more full of life. It gives you a chance to learn plenty of new things while researching and writing.