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Story Prompts
Sometimes you get the urge to write but the words just don't come. Sometimes you just don't know what to write about. We've all been there. Here's a list of some interesting writing prompts-
`~Casey looked out of her window solemnly. The night was still, with a heavy, ominous feel to the blackness. A lithe silhouette of a figure moves slowly through the dark.
~The stream trickles along playfully as the boys dip their sticks in the water and stir up mud. Out of the corner of his eye, William spots something shiny mostly covered with silt.
~On the summer solstice, many children stuff their pockets with select bundles of herbs to keep the faires away. Some see it as a superstition, but that doesn't dispel the fact that several children still go missing each year.
~The large, scaly beast closed its eyes gently. The dragon curled its tail around Kelsie and drifted off to sleep. Kelsie had never felt this safe in years.

~Felix trudged through the forest warily, his footsteps crunching leaves beneath him. Anything would be able to hear him coming from a mile away. "Kronos!" he called out. "Kronos!" His master would kill him if he found out that his pet Kronos was missing. Felix stopped and leaned against a tree, when he heard rapid footsteps approaching.
Those are the fantasy story prompts that I have for you all now. Happy writing!